Good training is one of the keys to the success of any business. Keeping up to date with new developments, techniques or technology is essential. This impacts positively on staff knowledge and skills but, not only that, it gives them a sense of value to the business and boosts morale.
Cleaning Assurance is committed to developing all personnel through training, in order to improve working standards and enhance job satisfaction to the mutual benefit of both employee and employer.
Many benefits can be gained by providing ongoing training, of both a technical and personal development nature, to all employees in relation to the position they hold.
These include the following:
Training and Development needs of the company’s personnel are reviewed against goals and targets such as:
Prior to the commencement of a contract, all staff receive a structured Induction programme including:
Whilst all training and development is collectively important, we believe in distinguishing between the two to add clarity, particularly in individual training programmes.
Skills Training is that training which is linked directly to the task in hand. However, such skills are not limited to manual, hands-on work. They also include aspects such as correct dilution of chemicals etc.
The full course is completed for all staff within 21 days of the commencement of a contract.
All team members will receive training in:
To standardise Site Staff Training, we have implemented two personalised Training Videos for Induction and Retraining. This ensures all Site Staff are given a comprehensive overview of Company Practices, Contract Requirements, Health & Safety, Chemicals, Colour Coding and Cross Infection Control.
As well as fulfilling legal requirements, we believe in a moral responsibility to ensure the Health & Safety and wellbeing of all our team members. All staff will have training on:
During the pre-contract discussions and observations on site we identify any further specific training needs of existing team members. We believe training and development are significant factors which enable us to deliver high standards and outstanding customer service. Our Client feedback clearly demonstrates our commitment to both.
Would you like to enjoy the same levels of service along with outstanding standards of cleaning? We would like the opportunity to prove Cleaning Assurance can do this for you. If you are you looking for an exceptional professional cleaning service or coming to the end of a contract and want to pursue a different provider call me – Cleaning Assurance can help. Contact us today to discuss your requirements on 0844 247 9294 or email at